David Annenberg and Carole Freeman Family Home Page



This is our Certificates Page



Below is selected Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates for selected family members and well as Census, Naturalization, Passenger Records as well as selected information from the New York Surrogate Court.


The below are selected Certificates that we have posted.

Death Certificates                                     This have a small sample of some of the Death Certificates we have.

Marriage Certificates                                This is a small sample of some of the Marriage Certificated that we have or given to us.

Sheil BMD Certificates                             Selected Birth and Marriage Certificates for Joseph F Sheil



The below links are to Census Records, Naturalization Records, Passenager Records, Obituarites as well as  some estate recrods from Surrogate Court. 

Census Records                                        Selected Census Records in the United States, England and Canada.

Naturalization Records Page                   Selected Naturalizations Records for the United States and the United Kingdom.

New York Surrogate Court                       Selected information about Court Appointed Executors for Settlement of Estates.

Obituaries Page                                        Our Obituaries Page

Passenger Records Page                       Selected list of Passenger Records for Ellis Island New York and other Ports of entry into the United States



Google Search of our Website

Google Search                                            Use this to search our website



Documentation Page                                 This page show's how we document our information.

Information Pages                                     This page provide links to the families via family groups  

Search Page                                             This is our Search Page


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This page was last updated on:: January 18, 2015 08:46:00 PM