David Annenberg and Carole Freeman Family History and Genealogy Website


This is our Passenger Records Page


It will show various Port's of Entry that our Ancestor's arrived in.

Ellis Island Records

Port of New York

Port of Los Angeles California



You can also use the following links to access information about Castle Garden and Ellis Island. Both of them were Ports of Entry in the Port of New York in New York City, New York, United States of America.

Ellis Island and Castle Garden at Steven Morse

Castle Garden

Ellis Island Records             

Olive Tree Genealogy

Olive Tree Ship Passenger Lists and Roots web com



Google Search of our Website

Google Search                                            Use this to search our website



Information on our website

Documentation Page                               This page show's how we document our information.

Information Pages                                     This page provide links to the families via family groups 

Story Page                                                 This is our Story Page



Email Address


This page was last updated on: January 18, 2015 08:46:01 PM -0500