David Annenberg and Carole Freeman Family History and Genealogy Website

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Please be informed that the names, address's, email addresses and other personal information supplied to this web site, as a result of  giving genealogy information, will not be released unless the sender gives permission.

The information supplied will be used in compiling our genealogical information and will be sent to people requesting that information. The source of information will only state what was given by someone else.

Acknowledgement  of where the source of information came from will only be given with the source's permission (if the information came from a non-government source).



Documentation Page                                This page has some of the documentation we use to verify our research.

Information Pages                                     This page provide links to the families via family groups  

Research Page                                         This is our Main Research Page. It  will take you to the various Research information, links and suggestions


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 Email Address


This page was last updated on:: January 18, 2015 08:46:01 PM